Where It All Begins

12:35 AM

This is completely a new project for me. It's something I've wanted to do and thought about doing for a while but just never took the time to actually sit down and do it. I would start and then think "What in the world would I even write about? Why would people even care to read the thoughts in my head about random ramblings about my kids and their antics, photography, church, work and the numerous phone calls from people who try my patience on a daily basis, my pet peeves, the racoon that continues to get into my garbage nightly, the fact my Fitbit won't count half my daily steps because I apparently don't swing my arms when I walk so I talk to it fussing at it, that I own a Keurig but can't stand coffee (makes really good apple cider, tea and hot chocolate! And it's turquoise so it looks pretty sitting there on my counter) or whatever Netflix show I'm currently into (although did you know The Last Kingdom starts season 2 this Friday, really good one to catch!) Anyway so I had talked myself out of this for years now until a good friend told me "You should totally write a blog" I was like "eh I don't have time for that" and yet here I sit typing out a blog after midnight. Honestly this post is my test post to fix the dimensions of my blog page but I figured what the heck may as well make it an actual real first post instead of "testing, testing.... is this thing on" or typing in latin like all in all the examples of blogs you see. Pretty sure you wouldn't have understood that though this post probably isn't much better now that I think about it.

So if you're curious as to what you'll find on this blog from time to time, it's totally a mix of what the title says. Faith.... my love for my God is no secret so posts will definitely have some spiritual discussions and mentions from time to time. Love....everything important in life can be summed up with that word. Love for God, love for my husband, love for my children, family, friends, strangers, the community, the planet... yourself. I hope this blog will be full of love of all kinds. And lastly chaos. Whose life isn't full of chaos. I don't look at that as a bad thing. I love my chaos. It sometimes comes in the form of a busy deadline for my photography business to get a session edited and to a customer on time, it may come in the form of worrying about this months bills or a date night or girls night out or an event in our little small town. It may come in the form of a little free spirited 5 year old running through my hallway wide open, with a stuffed animal in tow, jumping over My Little Ponies to come give me a hug and just say "I love you" I'll take that chaos anytime!

So welcome to my faitful, loving, chaotic life that I am opening up and giving you a small peek of in hopes that you may think, share, laugh, love, cry and embrace the chaos in your own lives.

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